Action Plan: 一个计划,重点是项目和/或学科将如何采取行动,根据项目/学科审查期间审查的数据来改进项目/学科的这方面. 行动计划包括四个部分:1)建议/建议2)建议/建议的理由, 3) Person(s) Responsible for Implementing the Action, and 4) Date of Planned Completion.

Core Learning Outcome (CLO):所有弗吉尼亚社区学院学位皇冠体育应具备的通识教育能力(知识和技能), including 皇冠博彩, for work and life. 这些不同于皇冠体育学习成果(见定义),因为它们是大学水平的教育目标. (See General Education Competencies page for the list of CLOs).


Course Sequence: The courses that are meant to be taken in a specific order, as the earlier courses are generally prerequisites for later courses. Example: CHM 111 and CHM 112.

Course Success Rate课程成功率的定义是学分水平课程成绩达到C或以上,发展课程成绩达到S的百分比.

Duplicated Headcount: 在一个以上校区上课的皇冠体育按每个校区计算一次. Example: a student who takes courses at the Alexandria, Loudon, and Woodbridge campuses is counted three times. Headcounts can also be unduplicated (see definition).

Enrollment: Enrollment is the headcount of students enrolled in credit courses; students enrolled in courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program, including those enrolled in off-campus centers; and high school students taking college courses for credit. 这些数据是按学年(不可重复)和秋季学期跟踪的.

Curriculum Map:皇冠体育学习成果之间的关系图, courses, and assessments in an educational program. Programs indicate which course(s) address each of the SLOs, the proficiency level achieved in the course (i.e., whether students were introduced to the SLO, practiced the SLO, and/or mastered the SLO in the course), and the method of assessment for each SLO.  皇冠博彩所有教育项目的课程地图可以在这里找到.

Fall-to-Fall Retention: fall -to- fall保留率指所有皇冠博彩项目的皇冠体育在下一学年秋季学期入学的比率.

Fall-to-Spring Retention:秋季到春季的保留率指所有皇冠博彩项目的秋季队列在同一学年的春季学期注册的皇冠体育的比率.

FTES:相当于全日制皇冠体育(FTES)包括参加常规课程的皇冠体育, annualized summer session, and academic year.

FTIC: First time in college students.

Graduation Rate:在正常时间的150%内完成同一课程的所有项目皇冠体育的百分比.

Job Placement Rate: 学院使用弗吉尼亚就业委员会(VEC)的就业数据来跟踪毕业后一年内在弗吉尼亚联邦就业的毕业生.

Program Goals:对入学、留校、结业等方面的期望.

Program Placed: Degree or certificate program student is enrolled in at 皇冠博彩.

Program Review Cycle: 皇冠博彩对学术项目和学科进行定期和系统的审查,以评估和持续提高皇冠体育的学习. At 皇冠博彩, all degree programs along with the certificates, 职业研究、证书和学科每三年评估一次.

Program Review: Program review is a process that evaluates the status, effectiveness, 和学术项目的进展,并帮助确定未来的方向, needs, and priorities of those programs.

Race/Ethnicity: 用来描述一个人独特的身体特征的分类.

Retention: 皇冠体育第一年和第二年的秋季学期,在同一机构继续注册(或完成学位). 留存率可分为从秋天到秋天或从秋天到春天的留存率(见上面的定义)。.

SACSCOC南方学院和学校协会学院委员会被美国教育部认可为机构认证机构. 北弗吉尼亚社区学院是由SACSCOC认证的,必须坚持其教育和运营标准. 为了获得认证,机构必须证明符合SACSCOC制定的标准.

SCHEV/VCCS Viability and Productivity Standards:由SCHEV/VCCS确定的最低标准FTE和毕业总数,以确定项目是否足够可行和富有成效,可以继续运营. 皇冠博彩遵循皇冠体育人数在5000人或以上的学院的标准(下表中突出显示). See chart below for standards set by SCHEV/VCCS:

Degree Program

Institutional Size

Transfer (A.A., A.S.)

A.A.S. Agriculture & Natural Resources, Business, Arts & Design, Public Service Technologies

A.A.S. Engineering, Mechanical, and Industrial Technologies

A.A.S. Health Technologies










Less than 1,800 17 12 13 8 9 6 7 5
1,800 – 4,999 22 15 16 11 12 8 9 6
5,000 or greater 24 17 18 12 13 9 10 7

SCHEV维吉尼亚州高等教育委员会(SCHEV)是州一级的高等教育机构管理机构,负责确定维吉尼亚州的教育目标/政策. 北弗吉尼亚社区学院被批准为弗吉尼亚州高等教育机构.

Student Learning Outcome (SLO): Observable and measurable knowledge, skills, 以及皇冠体育皇冠博彩教育项目结束时应该达到的态度/价值观. SLOs are educational outcomes at the program/discipline level.

Transfer-Out Rate:在完成课程的正常时间的150%内,从皇冠博彩转到两年制和四年制大学的所有项目皇冠体育的百分比.

Unduplicated Headcount: 皇冠体育只被统计一次,不管他们上了多少所学校. 例如:在亚历山大、伍德布里奇和伦敦校区就读的皇冠体育只被计算一次. Headcounts can also be duplicated (see definition).

VCCS弗吉尼亚社区学院系统由23所社区学院组成, including Northern Virginia Community College.