NVCC 1998-1999目录


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    如果你有高中文凭或同等学历, 或者你已经年满18岁, 你可以从注册中受益, 你有资格被北弗吉尼亚社区学院录取.
    所有申请人必须填写入学申请表. 此时此刻, 强烈建议你寻求学术顾问的帮助, career, 或者传递信息.
    Students are accepted on a first-come/first-served basis with priority given in the following order: (1) legal residents domiciled in the cities and counties supporting the College, (2)其他弗吉尼亚州合法居民, (3)州外申请人, (4)需要I-20表格的国际皇冠体育. 为某些健康技术项目, “支持学院的县”可能包括那些临床附属机构与NVCC有合同协议的县. It is even more important for you to apply early to the College if you are interested in being admitted to a particular curriculum. 某些课程的入学人数有限. 其中一些课程可能有候补名单.
    High school transcripts are used for academic advisement to enhance your prospects for success in your chosen curriculum. These transcripts are required in order to be considered for admission to the following curricula: Veterinary Technology, 口腔卫生, 医学化验技术, Nursing, 物理治疗师助理, Radiography, 呼吸疗法. 紧急医疗服务技术和健康信息技术专业优先考虑成绩单. 请联系适当的校园咨询办公室,了解这些课程的入学情况.
    Application for Admission forms may be mailed to the Admissions and Records Office of your choice or brought to the campus during registration. You are urged to submit your Application for 学院录取 at least 30 days prior to the first day of registration for the semester in which you plan to enroll. 这将为您提供在注册之前与顾问会面以获得学术帮助的机会. 如果您没有在注册前至少两周邮寄您的申请, 你应该把申请表拿到你选择的学校.
    The College reserves the right to evaluate Applications for Admission and to refuse admission to applicants when it is considered to be in the best interest of the College or when there is sufficient reason to believe that they present a danger to themselves or to other members of the College community.
    当您注册成为NVCC的皇冠体育时,您接受学院的规章制度. 如有违反,学院将采取适当措施.

    除了一般入学要求被学院录取, 在本目录的“教学计划”部分列出了具体的课程要求. 检查你选择的课程,看看你是否满足了注册该课程所需的先决条件. 如果您不符合这些要求, 你可以通过参加发展课程或其他课程来弥补不足.
    从一门课程转到另一门课程, 你必须联系辅导员开始填写新的项目安置表.

    Admissions offices must comply fully with federal law and regulations regarding admission of non-immigrant students and issuance of I-20 forms for student visas (F-1/M-1). 除非受到联邦法律或法规的限制, 大学政策对所有皇冠体育一视同仁,不论其移民身份如何.

英语语言要求. 如果你的母语不是英语, 你必须在注册课程之前完成英语分班考试(EPT). Your test score may require that you complete English as a Second Language (ESL) courses—in the credit or non-credit program—before you enroll in any other courses. 有关要求的信息可从招生和记录办公室获得.

皇冠体育签证(F1/M1身份). NVCC is authorized by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to enroll non-immigrant international students.
    如果您需要皇冠体育签证身份(F1/M1), the following prerequisites must be met before the College can issue a certificate of eligibility for student visa status (I-20 form):


  1. 在你向学院申请时,你必须在美国.
  2. 你必须申请学院的全日制入学.
  3. 您必须提交资格证明文件,包括以下项目:
    1. 相当于美国的高中文凭.
    2. Official transcripts and records of previous educational experiences translated into English and certified by the institution you attended.
    3. 核实财政支持.
    4. 托福成绩不低于500分. Applicants who are in the local geographical area may satisfy this requirement by successfully completing the College English placement test.

    All required documents and test scores for I-20 applicants must be received sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of classes for the semester you plan to attend.
    在您提供了所需的文档之后, 被全日制录取, 被安排去读学位课程, I-20表格由学院签发.
    如果你在美国,已经有F1或M1身份,但希望转移到NVCC, 你必须首先在发给你I-20的学校完成至少一个学期的学习. 如果您目前持有其他类型的签证身份, 或者需要更多关于皇冠体育签证的信息, 你应该联系招生和记录办公室.


    非学分ESL课程的可用性因校园而异. You should contact the Continuing Education Office at the campus of your choice for information about these programs and procedures for requesting an I-20 form for ESL study.

    如果你还没有获得高中文凭或同等学历, 作为提前录取计划的一部分,你可以全日制就读学院. Some of your College courses can fulfill your Virginia high school graduation requirement if you have prior written approval of your high school principal.
    在高中就读期间,也可以成为NVCC的兼职皇冠体育. 同样,你需要得到你的高中校长的书面批准.
    It is College policy that you are eligible for admission to the College if you have a high school diploma or the equivalent or are at least 18 years old and able to benefit from enrollment. The College reserves the right to evaluate applications for admission and to refuse admission to applicants when it is considered to be in the best interest of the College.
    NVCC将考虑录取年龄在16岁以上的皇冠体育, 谁不上公立或私立学校, 谁是“家庭学校的皇冠体育”." The acceptance of such students may be considered as enrichment to the home school program but is not intended to substitute for the home school experience. 家庭学校皇冠体育入学适用以下政策:

  1. 入院前, an applicant who does not have a high school diploma and is not at least 18 years old will be required to demonstrate appropriate basic skills compatible with the College academic expectations.
  2. 所有北弗吉尼亚社区学院的皇冠体育, 不论年龄大小, 遵守所有的规则吗, policies, 以及学院有关出勤的程序, 记录的机密性, conduct, etc.,就像在学院里发现的那样 Catalog and the 皇冠体育手册.
  3. Students who are home schooled must provide a current copy of a signed home school agreement between the appropriate school system and the authorizing parent or guardian. 这些文件必须在被学院录取之前提供给辅导员.

    在申请入学时,您需要使用您的社会安全号码作为身份证号. 如果你不能或不愿意提供这个号码, 您将获得一个替代的身份证号. 社会安全号码识别系统为成绩报告提供了一致和有效的手段, 类卷, 还有其他记录.
    申请经济援助的申请人需要提交社会安全号码. 佩尔助学金计划的申请人被告知,社会安全号码是由美国政府要求的.S. 教育部在处理申请时.

    The College enforces Public Law 93-380 in providing for the privacy of official student records and the rights of students to review these records. 您可以通过向招生和记录办公室提出请求来查看您的官方记录. 未经您的许可,学院不会发布您的任何个人身份信息, 法律规定的某些学校和政府官员除外.
    个人和机构发布皇冠体育信息的要求必须以书面形式提出. 您对学院发布任何信息的许可也必须是书面的. 被视为公共信息的信息在本期学院中有描述 皇冠体育手册.

Home Campus
    当你申请学院时,你必须指定一个主校区. 皇冠体育档案保存在您指定的校园.

家庭校园的变化. 改变你的家乡校园, you should complete a Change of Campus Request form and submit it to the Office of Admissions and Records at least five working days before the beginning of In-Person registration. 如果你获得经济援助, 你的财务记录保存在大学财务援助办公室.

    Basic skills assessment and placement testing are intended to assist you in selecting courses and designing an academic program in which you will most likely be successful. 这些考试不是入学考试.
    在考试之前,你必须提交一份学院入学申请. 到考试中心参加考试时,请出示有照片的身份证件. 考生不允许携带书包、外套或其他个人物品进入考场.

1. 基本技能评估
    评估你在阅读方面的优势和劣势, writing, 数学可以帮助你选择合适的课程. This assessment is accomplished through a group of basic skills assessment tests administered through the Testing Center at each campus.
    如果你是一个攻读学位的皇冠体育, 我们鼓励你参加阅读方面的基本技能测试, writing, 和数学,然后再去上课.
    如果你没有参加过基本技能考试,并且累积GPA低于2分.在NVCC完成9个学时后,可获得100美元, 或者如果你要转到NVCC,累积GPA低于2.00(不论完成时数), 你必须参加阅读和写作的基本技能测试. 辅导员会决定你是否适合参加数学基本技能测试.

2. 选课测试
    Some courses require that you obtain a minimum score on one or more placement tests before you may enroll in those courses. 如果你的分班考试成绩低于规定的最低分数, 你必须完成规定的发展研究课程. 所需的发展研究课程将由你的分数决定. 这些要求适用于所有校区和ELI, 除非主管部门主席特别同意.
    下列课程需要分班考试. 咨询咨询师,确定每门课程需要参加的考试.

  Aviation: Aro 121,122
  Chemistry: ch101,111,241
  计算机科学: CS 201
  English: 工程003,005,108,111
  ESL: ESL 002至017

数学: MTH 003至007、060、103、115、120、126、150、151、163、166、173、181、213、241、271
  Music: MUS 111(仅限劳顿区)
  Physics: Phy 201,241

  亚历山大校园: AA344

安嫩代尔校区: CG402A
  在劳顿校园: LC217A
  马纳萨斯校园: MH112
  伍德布里奇校园: WC456
  进修学院: 你可以在任何皇冠博彩校园考试中心参加分班考试.


  1. English (reading and writing) scores are valid for 3 years; tests may be repeated after 12 months.
  2. Math scores are valid for 12 months; tests may be repeated after 3 months.
  3. English as a Second Language (ESL) scores are valid for 12 months; tests may be repeated after 3 months if you score below 50 and after 6 months if you score above 50.
  4. Ability To Benefit (ATB) scores are valid for 12 months; tests may be repeated after 12 months.

3. 课程的先决条件
    在注册其他课程之前,需要成功完成一些课程. 这些先决条件已在本目录的课程列表中列出. 如果您不满足一项或多项先决条件,则无法注册课程, 除非提供课程的教学部门的主席放弃先决条件.
    在一门需要分班考试的课程中, students who do not obtain the required minimum scores to enter a course must complete prescribed developmental studies courses before enrolling in the course.

最后修改: 2015年5月18日星期一10:36
评论: webmaster@htisports.com