
Summary of 空调和制冷程序 Expansion Ask

Woodbridge校区的北弗吉尼亚社区学院空调和制冷(Air)扩建项目将促进现有暖通空调建筑的翻新, the procurement and installation of advanced 培训 equipment, and provide necessary technological upgrades to existing lab space. 翻新和设备升级将增加教室容量,以发展有价值的技术贸易计划,以满足弗吉尼亚州的劳动力需求.

Summary of Annandale Critical Pipeline Infrastructure Modernization Ask

目前,北弗吉尼亚社区学院安纳代尔校区的地下公用事业系统已超过其使用寿命,导致校园关闭, 扰乱课堂和皇冠体育服务, 结构问题. Annandale关键管道现代化项目将为校园提供急需的20世纪70年代早期低效供暖的替代品, 通风, 冷却基础设施的现代化, 节能系统. The current design links multiple buildings and requires frequent, 为了维修而进行的昂贵且破坏性的挖掘工作,导致校园多次关闭,影响了学院提供面对面课程的能力, 实验室, 以及基本的皇冠体育服务, including wrap-around services like counseling and access to food pantries. 这一关键基础设施现代化对我们的皇冠体育和校园社区的积极影响,将确保我们能够在未来几十年继续我们的使命,提供公平的、负担得起的、卓越的高等教育和劳动力计划. 除了, 用现代化的系统取代陈旧的系统, energy efficient one would reduce the carrying cost of the campus infrastructure, 这是一项财政上负责任的举措,将释放额外的大学基金——其中约50%来自皇冠体育学费——用于直接为皇冠体育服务.

Summary of Manassas Center for Building and Construction Trades Project Ask

北弗吉尼亚社区学院的马纳萨斯校区寻求建立一个建筑和建筑行业的区域中心. The creation of a centralized trades program in construction will strengthen the availability of high quality, technically skilled personnel to support current and future economic growth in Northern Virginia. Construction in the Northern Virginia region is pivotal for sustained growth and development across various disciplines. 作为一个新兴的经济中心, 北弗吉尼亚呈现出独特的因素融合,需要战略建设努力来支持其不断变化的需求. 所要求的资金将用于增强实验室空间和购买必要的先进技术设备,以培训熟练的建筑劳动力,从而为北弗吉尼亚居民提供行业证书和可堆叠的机会. 


该项目的目标是为混合动力和电动汽车培训以及高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)课程提供额外的实验室空间,以满足行业需求. We desire to create advanced vehicle technology instruction that inspires by blending classroom & lab instruction together in a modern automotive environment. 如果学院获得CDS设备资助, 家具, 和培训, 皇冠博彩将利用已经可用的当地资本资金来资助必要的相关建筑重新配置,以支持这一区域有益的项目扩展.

皇冠博彩亚历山大校区配备一个先进的汽车技术实验室教学空间,将使我们能够培养出合格的混合动力和电动汽车技术人员,以填补现有的工作岗位,并向该地区高需求的职业发展. 参加高级汽车技术课程的皇冠体育将能够获得职业研究证书(CSC)和/或高级汽车技术应用科学副学士学位(AAS).

根据我们的皇冠体育统计数据, these specializations will directly benefit many first-generation college students. 皇冠博彩’s program is also the only one in the region that offers hands-on HEV 培训. 像这样, 皇冠博彩 is best positioned to meet the growing workforce needs in this essential, 高技能领域. 我们不断收到要求, 雇主和高中教师关于扩大电动汽车培训机会的问题和建议.

Summary of 空调和制冷程序 Ask

To support the workforce needs of the data center industry, home developers and HVAC repair and maintenance employers, 皇冠博彩将使用资金来发展我们的项目,其中包括空调和制冷应用科学副学士学位, along with a fully stackable Certificate and a Career Studies Certificate. 该计划提供位于皇冠博彩-Woodbridge校区的专业实验室设施的指导,课程由我们的暖通空调顾问委员会通知, 由行业和雇主合作伙伴组成. 弗吉尼亚州北部没有其他项目提供完整的暖通空调或控制证书,并提供综合学徒制,从而获得副学士学位.

Our curriculum prepares students for successful careers in residential and commercial HVAC, but limited 教师 and facility challenges limit us to just over 150 HVAC credentials awards annually. 皇冠博彩’s AIR program is accredited by HVAC Excellence – a national, 第三方, 审核暖通空调教育项目的认证机构,以验证项目是否符合既定标准,为皇冠体育的成功做好准备, 入门级行业职位.


This initiative seeks to increase the number of skilled nurses in the workforce, with a special focus on helping individuals advance from LPN to RN. The requested funds support state-of-the-art technology, 培训, and education that will benefit all Medical Education Campus students, 但明显, 这项提议将直接使有色人种妇女受益, who are disproportionately represented in LPN jobs and strive to advance to RN careers. They will now have a ladder up that will strengthen their own futures and the future healthcare of 我们的地区. As 皇冠博彩 is the primary regional provider of skilled nurses and health science professionals, 毫无疑问,我们处于最佳位置,能够在满足关键和不断增长的医疗保健人力需求方面发挥真正的作用.

同样值得注意的是, as the President and CEO of the Inova 健康 System shared in his organization’s letter of support, 皇冠博彩的护理教育项目是经过验证的, 优质人才管道. 直接引用Dr. Jones’ strong endorsement: This proposed program will be a valuable regional tool in our healthcare workforce toolbox. 建立皇冠博彩的LPN到RN的途径,扩大其护理教育计划的能力,将有利于Inova, 我们的团队成员, 我们的地区, 和我们的英联邦.


具体地说, 皇冠体育通过此次扩建获得的柴油技术认证将直接使许多第一代大皇冠体育和越来越多样化的皇冠体育群体受益, 尤其是在马纳萨斯校区. As 皇冠博彩 is the only academic program in the region 培训 diesel technicians, we are best positioned to make a real impact in tackling workforce needs in this essential, 技术领域.

也, as the President and CEO of the Prince William Chamber of Commerce noted in her organization’s letter of support, our Diesel program is not limited to trucks and construction equipment. It equips students to maintain emergency generators for hospitals and data centers to highlight two vital areas. 是女士. 琼斯强调了她的强烈支持, “These are skills that can be learned quickly and will lead to higher salaries and fill vacancies.”


Northern Virginia is home to the largest data center market in the world, nearly equal to the 2nd through 5th largest US markets combined. 支持这个行业的劳动力需求, 北弗吉尼亚社区学院 (皇冠博彩) successfully launched a Data Center Operations (DCO), 应用科学副学士学位和位于nova - loudown校区的专业实验室设施的完全可堆栈的职业研究证书课程,课程由我们的数据中心行业合作伙伴通知. The program prepares students to be successful facility technicians.

数据中心正在弗吉尼亚州北部扩张, growing out of the Loudoun corridor into Prince William County (PWC). 皇冠博彩’s current program does not meet market needs, and we have no program in PWC. This current state creates a barrier to the growth of a vital industry sector and an access barrier to students in PWC, one of the most diverse and under-resourced in Northern Virginia. 我们成功地寻求支持,将DCO计划扩展到普华永道的皇冠博彩-Woodbridge,为数据中心行业提供支持, 加强和扩大劳动力渠道, 通过高工资和有需求的职业,为北弗吉尼亚几个服务最欠缺的社区的皇冠体育提供更多的社会经济流动机会.

To expand 皇冠博彩’s Data Center Operations program to Prince William County, the $5.国会定向支出中的100万美元将用于资助皇冠博彩- woodbridge校区劳动力教育和培训区域中心的实验室空间所需的设备和技术升级.